Standardised transmission distribution station in Roermond
At the end of October, Enexis, Alfen and Siemens Infrastructure installed the first standardised transmission distribution station as a proof of concept (PoC), lifting the Siemens installation into place in a single step. This approach is labour-intensive, fast and sustainable, saving three weeks of work. This was the first of 800 standardised stations we plan to install over the next 10 years. By doing so, we are accelerating the expansion of our infrastructure and contributing to a future-proof energy transition.
Upgraded HV/MV substation in Kelpen
In Kelpen, we are upgrading a large 150 kV substation in collaboration with two contractors. This is only possible because we are working outside the voltage zone of the existing substation. The work involves rebuilding various components of the high-voltage substation, installing various underground cable connections to/from the substation and adapting the roads on the site of the high-voltage substation.

Tackling the entire district at once in Landgraaf...
In Landgraaf, we worked closely with the municipality to develop a neighborhood approach. With the growing demand for electric cars, heat pumps and solar panels, the pressure on local electricity grids in residential areas is increasing rapidly. Landgraaf is no exception, which is why we are making the low-voltage network fit for the future. The municipality of Landgraaf played a key role in this project and showed great determination and vision. Together with our partner Hurkmans Van Geleuken, we installed a new substation, laid 1,200 metres of cable and upgraded hundreds of connections in record time.
...and in Rijssen
At the end of August, VSH started installing low-voltage cables in the neighborhood Veeneslagen of Rijssen. This is no ordinary project. It is the first major PILV project for VSH and the western part of Overijssel. No fewer than 2,000 connections will be affected in this district. We held a well-attended information evening before the work began, and two more are planned for the subsequent phases. Every Wednesday, there is a walk-in session at the construction site for residents.

A historic project in the heart of Groningen
In April, Enexis started work on an impressive and historic project: replacing an old gas pipeline in the heart of Groningen. This project was part of a larger initiative involving the removal of 126 kilometres of grey cast iron gas mains in Groningen, Hoogezand and Winschoten. As with many complex projects, there were challenges, such as the sensitivity of the surrounding old buildings and the need to measure and minimise vibrations.
This project was an important step in preparing our infrastructure for the future. By replacing these ‘old’ gas pipes, we are ensuring that our network is fit for the future and is prepared for a green gas future.
Asbestos removal in meter boxes in Enschede
In November, Enexis removed asbestos from a meter cabinet in a block of flats in Enschede in a mini-containment, with a view to upgrading the connection at a later date. The housing association wants to make the flats gas-free.
Working with a mini-containment takes only a quarter of the time required for a full containment. This time saving is particularly important as it is estimated that tens of thousands of private and social housing association units in Twente have meter cabinets containing asbestos.
Ready for emergencies day and night, anywhere
From damaged cables and potential gas leaks to power outages, our Emergency Response Service is on call day and night to minimise risks and prevent serious incidents. In June, a significant incident occurred in Kampen when a damaged transmission cable left a large part of the town centre, including several businesses, without power. We set up emergency generators and immediately started work on a temporary solution to allow time for the damaged cable to be repaired. The various business units implemented this solution within a week. Ultimately, we decided to lay 700 metres of new transmission cable through the town park in Kampen.
In March, a high-pressure gas pipeline in Eindhoven needed urgent attention. A sinking pumping station belonging to the De Dommel water authority was in danger of falling onto the gas pipeline. As a precaution, we shut down the pipeline and flared off the excess gas. In the end, the pipeline was undamaged and no customers were affected.