S1 Own workforce

Our employees are crucial to achieving Enexis’ sustainability goals. They are the driving force behind our success. That is why we want to create a work environment where everyone feels heard and can develop, and where safety comes first.

Our three core values

Three core values are central to our work: clarity, inclusiveness and continuous learning. This is the only way to implement our strategy in a rapidly changing environment successfully. (ESRS s1 par 12.)


We need to double our electricity grid in the coming years. Therefore, we need to be clear about what we expect from our employees and what they expect from each other. We must be clear about what is going well and what is not and open to discussing these matters. We need to make bold decisions, even if they are not easy and the outcomes are uncertain. Being clear makes us more productive. Because there is no need to read between the lines, we know exactly what our colleagues mean, what they expect and that we can rely on each other.


The energy transition requires us to solve problems. That is why we take an inclusive approach. We believe bringing together different perspectives from inside and outside Enexis leads to innovative solutions. No one has all the answers, so every opinion matters. We seek and strengthen partnerships with colleagues from all parts of our organisation and with people outside our company. We genuinely listen to each other. Working inclusively also means that we are a good reflection of society. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, background, religion, sexual orientation or philosophy.

Continuous learning

Employees have the space and support to learn, reflect, experiment and strengthen each other. As an organisation, we become better at handling our mistakes and successes, grow every day and achieve better results – precisely what the energy transition demands of us. We seek each other out and are open to feedback. Learning also means asking questions, daring to experiment and not being afraid to make mistakes – while respecting the safety of our working environment. Only by being curious and inquisitive can we learn. (ESRS S1 par. 12)

We have assessed the following topics as material to our own Enexis employees:


Impact, risk or opportunity

Value chain

Time frame

Material topic

Working conditions
Health and safety

Actual negative impact: Safety incidents can lead to serious or fatal accidents among employees.

Working conditions
Attracting talent

Potential risk: A significant shortage of technically skilled employees threatens the ability to cope with an increasing large work package as a result of the energy transition.

Equal treatment and opportunities for all
Training and skills development

Actual positive impact: In order to maintain the quality of work, Enexis offers training programmes to all its employees. These programmes increase the knowledge and skills of employees for current and future tasks and improve their position on the labour market.

Equal treatment and opportunities for all
Diversity and non-discrimination in the workforce

Actual positive impact: Enexis does not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation or origin and works to create a socially safe working environment. Through the 'An Enexis for everyone' programme, Enexis promotes diversity and inclusion and creates equal opportunities for all. This includes promoting access for different groups, such as refugees with residence status. This approach creates a culture where everyone's contribution counts, where employees can be themselves and where their efforts are valued.

The identified material topics align seamlessly with our core values and have not led to any adjustments to our strategy. The impacts and risks apply to the more than 5,500 employees and 1,500 contractors of Enexis Groep. The positive effects of training and development only apply to our own employees. The current negative impact of safety incidents is incidental.(ESRS S1 par. 13a-b)  (ESRS S1 par. 14c) (ESRS S1 par. 14a) (ESRS S1 par. 14b)

We adhere to the International Labour Organization (ILO) guidelines on working conditions and labour standards and recognise and subscribe to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (ESRS S1 par. 24d, ESRS 2 par. 65d)

Policy for own employees

Health and safety

Our safety policy aims to provide the safest and healthiest work environment possible. Safety incidents can result in serious or fatal accidents that have a negative impact on both employees and the company. The safety policy minimises this impact through proactive measures such as risk assessment, incident reporting systems, education and training, the use of personal protective equipment and effective emergency response procedures. (ESRS S1 par. 23 & ESRS 2 par. 65a)

The safety policy applies to all activities and employees of Enexis Groep, as well as contractors, subcontractors and visitors to Enexis sites (see also S2 Employees in the value chain). Safety aspects are also part of our Code of Conduct for internal and external employees. This includes our standards and values. (ESRS 2 par. 65b) (ESRS 2 par. 65 e/f)

In implementing our safety policy, we adhere to external standards and initiatives, including Netbeheer Nederland’s BEI (Operational Procedures for Electrical Installations) and VIAG (Safety Instructions for Natural Gas), the GVE (Code of Conduct for Safety in Energy Companies) and the NTA (Dutch Technical Agreement) 8120 and ISO 55001 standards for asset management. We have also achieved Safety Culture Ladder Level 4 certification from NEN (the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute) for parts of the organisation in 2024 and comply with VCA** (Safety, Health and Environment Checklist for Contractors) certification. (ESRS 2 par. 65d)

Attracting talent

The sweeping changes to the energy system are creating a lot of additional work. We need large numbers of technical staff. Unfortunately, there is an unprecedented shortage of technical staff. That is why we no longer recruit new colleagues primarily based on qualifications and experience but focus instead on skills. We look at what someone can learn rather than what they cannot do. We are investing more in recruitment marketing to position ourselves as an attractive employer. (ESRS 2 par. 65  S1-1 par 19)

Training and skills development

The energy transition places high demands on our organisation and the employability and vitality of the people who work for us. That is why ‘continuous learning’ is one of our core values and we invest in our people's sustainable employability and personal development. Sustainable employability means that employees enjoy their work, are healthy and perform at their best. It also means that they have the right skills and continue to develop so they remain attractive in the job market now and in the future. This is a shared responsibility between the employee and the manager: the employee actively works on his/her employability, while the manager supports and facilitates this.

The policy applies to all Enexis employees and is available on the intranet. ESRS 2 par. 65 b-e) (S1-1 par 19) (ESRS S1 par. 24c, ESRS 2 par. 65e) + ESRS 2 par. 65 f) (S1-1 par 24 d)

Diversity and non-discrimination

Enexis is characterised by highly engaged and supportive employees. This is one of the reasons why our network has been so reliable for so many years. However, implementing the energy transition requires more: a lot of extra people, different perspectives, and new ways of thinking and working. That is why inclusiveness is a core value at Enexis. Our diversity and non-discrimination policy focuses on eliminating discrimination and harassment and promoting equal opportunities, diversity and inclusiveness. We want to include all talents, opinions, backgrounds and ways of thinking and acting. Working inclusively also means that we are a good reflection of society. We want everyone to feel at home with us, regardless of where they were born, who they love, how they identify, their age, or whether they face physical or mental challenges. We stand for ‘An Enexis for everyone’. The Executive Board adopted this policy in October 2022, which is available on the intranet.(ESRS 2 par. 65 a) (ESRS 2 par. 65 b-c) (S1-1 par 24 a-c)

Within the policy, we identify five specific target groups: age, gender, cultural diversity, employability and LGBTQ+. Specific targets are in place for gender and cultural diversity: to promote a balanced gender ratio in senior and middle management and ensure that 10% of new hires come from culturally diverse backgrounds. While no specific targets have been set for the other groups, they are supported through the activities of network groups, which have a budget at their disposal to carry out these activities. (ESRS 2 par. 65 b-e) (S1-1 par 19) (ESRS S1 par. 24c, ESRS 2 par. 65e)

Our Code of Conduct focuses on creating a socially safe work environment in the broadest sense of the word. It also includes our anti-discrimination procedure. In addition, we have a compliance protocol. This contains rules of conduct for our employees. When they join the company, employees sign a statement that they will abide by the protocol. They also complete an e-learning module. Every year, we publish a compliance report detailing how the compliance protocol has been implemented and what measures we have taken. (ESRS S1 par. 24d, ESRS 2 par. 65a en 65d)