Rutger van der Leeuw
Chairman of the Executive Board/CEO
Rutger van der Leeuw (1976-Dutch nationality - M) is Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Previously, he held the position of Chief Operating Officer, Infra Director, Customer & Market Director, and Purchasing Manager. Before that, he held various management positions at KPN.
Mariëlle Vogt
Member of the Executive Board/CFO
Mariëlle Vogt (1965-Dutch nationality - F) is Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Marielle began her career at Enexis Groep in 2017 as Financial Director. Before that, she held the position of Financial Directorate TU Delft. Before that, Marielle worked for KPN in various financial management positions.
Other positions
In addition to her position as CFO of Enexis Groep, Marielle was also a member of the Advisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Sociale Verzekeringsbank until October 2024. On 1 January 2025, she became Supervisory Director of Deloitte Netherlands and Chairman of the Audit & Finance Committee.
Han Slootweg
Member of the Executive Board/COO
Han Slootweg (1976-Dutch nationality - M) is Chief Operations Officer (COO). Han started his career as a risk analyst at Essent, after completing his PhD in electrical engineering at TU Delft. He has been working for Enexis since its foundation in 2008, where he has held various (management) positions. For the last seven years, Han has been Director Asset Management, responsible for the expansion and maintenance strategy of Enexis’ gas and electricity grids. From 2009 to 2024, Han was also a part-time professor of Smart Grids at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TU Eindhoven.
Jeroen Sanders
Member of the Executive Board/CTO
Jeroen Sanders (1973-Dutch nationality - M) is Chief Transition Officer (CTO). In this role, he focuses, together with stakeholders, on structuring and building the energy system of the future, with a particular focus on asset management, innovation & digitalisation and market facilitation. Jeroen has held various management positions within Enexis Groep, including ICT Director. Before that, he was General Director of Endinet, Sustainability Manager at Fudura and in various management positions at Edon and Essent.
Other positions
In addition to his position as CTO of Enexis Groep, Jeroen is Vice-President of the Board of Gas Distributors for Sustainability (GD4S), a board member of Stichting Kunstcollectie Essent and a board member of ElaadNL.