Target 2024 |
Realisation 2024 |
Target 2025 |
Target 2026 |
Annual outage time |
≤ 17.5 min |
22.5 min |
≤ 23 min |
≤ 23 min |
Our grid’s reliability is monitored by the annual outage time (AOT). We calculate the AOT for Enexis Groep as a whole. (ESRS 2 MDR-T par 80a en 80c) The AOT is determined by the results of unforeseen interruptions (failures). It represents the average number of minutes (electricity) or seconds (gas) that customers are without energy supply in a calendar year.
For electricity AOT, the calculation is as follows: for each interruption, the product of the number of connected customers affected and the duration of the interruption in minutes, totalled across all interruptions and divided by the total number of connected customers in the relevant grid area for the year. The number of connected customers is adjusted and evaluated annually by Krado. (ESRS 2 MDR-T 80f)
For gas AOT, the calculation is as follows: for each interruption, the product of the number of connected customers affected and the duration of the interruption in seconds, totalled across all interruptions and divided by the total number of connected customers in the year. The number of connected customers is adjusted and evaluated annually by Kiwa. (ESRS 2 MDR-M par 75 en 77a en c; ESRS 2 MDR-T 80a en 80f).
For electricity AOT, we aim for customers to be without electricity for an average of less than 23 minutes per year(ESRS 2 MDR-T 80e). There is no baseline or base year. (ESRS 2 MDR-T 80d). Enexis’ AOT target has been increased to 23 minutes for 2025 and 2026. This is because the current target is no longer realistic, given the increased load on our grid. Especially in the LV grid, the increase in renewable generation during the summer months leads to many outages due to overload. More prolonged outages due to congestion will also become more frequent on the MV network.
We monitored the AOT against our target from the previous year but also against the national average.(ESRS 2 MDR-T 80h) In addition to our absolute target, we want to stay below the national average. We do not have a specific target for gas AOT, but we monitor the outage time in seconds compared to previous years and take action if warranted. (ESRS 2 MDR-T 80b)
Outage duration |
Electricity (in minutes) |
Gas (in seconds) |
Groningen/Drenthe |
24.2 |
68.0 |
Overijssel |
15.8 |
46.9 |
Noord-Brabant Oost |
28.4 |
53.6 |
Noord-Brabant West |
19.7 |
39.6 |
Limburg |
20.2 |
72.9 |
High voltage1 |
0.5 |
- |
Average |
22.5 |
55.8 |
Our customers can continue to rely on a reliable energy grid. However, the average annual outage duration of 22.5 minutes was higher than the target of 17.5 minutes. This is partly due to several outages of long duration and high water levels in the spring, which led to failures in the MV grid. The gas supply was interrupted for 56 seconds in 2024 (2023: 137 seconds). This is mainly due to a limited number of major failures. The gas network is very reliable; in relative terms, annual outage duration does fluctuate widely.(ESRS 2 MDR-T 80j)
Affordability of the energy grid
Enexis operates in a regulated market. The maximum tariffs are set annually by the ACM. All grid customers (households and businesses) share the costs incurred by grid operators through transmission tariffs. Our work in the energy transition, the increased costs of purchasing transmission capacity from the national grid operator TenneT, and rising prices are driving the tariffs for our customers to become increasingly high.
Enexis estimates that the number of users of the gas network will decrease until 2050 due to the energy transition. Enexis will need to incur costs to remove these gas connections. These costs could amount to hundreds of millions of euros for Enexis until 2050. The removal costs are borne by society, as Enexis, based on tariff regulation, will be reimbursed for these costs through the tariffs. These removal costs are expected to contribute to a further increase in tariffs for our customers.
Policy and measures
In everything we do, we are mindful of the need to spend our money wisely. This is part of our public duty and helps to keep energy affordable for everyone.(ESRS 2 MDR-P 65(c)) That is why we make optimal choices and work efficiently and effectively. (ESRS 2 MDR-P 65(a)(b); ESRS S4 9(a))
For example, we implement best practices at our sites, such as smarter use of technology and IT, and we encourage our different sites to learn from each other. We also control our costs by monitoring our spending. We prepare annual budgets that require approval from the EB and SB, and we report on progress quarterly. (ESRS 2 MDR-A 68(a)(b)(c)
Metrics and targets
Target 2024 |
Realisation 2024 |
Target 2025 |
Controllable costs and revenues |
≤ € 731 mln |
€ 779 mln |
≤ € 871 mln |
We monitor cost control through the CCR (controllable costs and revenue). The CCR consists of the sum of Enexis Netbeheer’s controllable costs and revenues, including staff departments.(ESRS 2 MDRA-T 77(c)), MDR-T 80(a)(c)(f)) Each year, we set a target for the CCR. The target for 2024 was to limit costs to € 731 million.(ESRS 2 MDRA-T 80(b)(e) No baseline or base year applies.(ESRS 2 MDR-T 80d)
In 2024, controllable costs exceeded our target by € 48 million. The growth of our work package and the associated development of the organisation have resulted in higher costs, while the scarcity of materials and services has driven up prices. By working efficiently, we can do more for our customers and limit our cost increases as much as possible. This helps to keep the energy supply as affordable as possible.(ESRS 2 MDRA-T 80(j)