Objectives and achievements

Strategic goal


Target 2024

Realisation 2024

Target 2025

Target 2026

We steer to societal choices

Controllable public charging points1



≥ 3.750


Always offering everyone access to energy

Technical realised grid capacity2

≥ 2,000 MVA

1,920 MVA

≥ 1,200 MVA

Annual ≥ 1,000 MVA

Created grid capacity by Flex3

≥ 500 MW

498 MW

≥ 500 MW


Annual outage time

≤ 17.5 min

22.5 min

≤ 23 min

≤ 23 min

Our customers know what they can expect from us

Date of standard connection in accordance with Code4

≥ 65%




Satisfaction with execution date Low volume customers5



≥ 65%


Connection term High volume consumers in accordance with requested date6



≥ 65%


Adherence to plan7



≥ 80%


Quantative progress year order book8

≥ € 1.450 mln

€ 1.486 mln

≥ € 1.800 mln


Realized units year order book9:

# km cable Low voltage



≥ 1.750 km


# km cable Mid voltage



≥ 1000 km


# LV/MV transformer stations



≥ 1000


# neighbourhoods



≥ 86


Working safely

Lost Time Injury Frequency Enexis10

≤ 1


≤ 1

≤ 1

Lost Time Injury Frequency Contractors10

≤ 2


≤ 1,5

≤ 2

Reinforce each other

Employee Net Promoter Score

≥ 30


≥ 37

≥ 40

Net inflow # FTEs scarce technical personnel

≥ 200 FTE

143 FTE

≥ 154 FTE


Net inflow # FTEs scarce ICT personnel11



≥ 116 FTE


Make a sustainable impact




≥ 9%


Leadership positions filled by woman13



≥ 30%


Remain financially solid

Controllable costs and revenues14

≤ € 731 mln

€ 779 mln

≤ € 871 mln


  • 1Newly added as of 2025. Mesaurement consists of controllable public charging points within the service area of Enexis.
  • 2The KPI measures the new HV/MV transformers realised by Enexis irrespective whether these have been connected by TenneT. The replacement of old transformers is not deducted from the score of this KPI.
  • 3Concerns a better utilization of the current grid by applying flexible solutions for input or output. Realization is achieved, among other things, by concluding flex-contracts with limiting conditions or connecting customers to the emergency lane of the grid
  • 4As of 2025 this KPI will be removed because the Code is no longer valid as decided by the ACM in September 2024.
  • 5Newly added as of 2025. This KPI replaces the KPI "Date of standard connection in accordance with Code".
  • 6Newly added as of 2025. Mesaurement consists of number of projects delivered on time according to the requested date of the customer.
  • 7Newly added as of 2025. Measurement consistes of the number of major E-investement projects with effective date in 2025 as included in Enexis IP-2024 (see Enexis website).
  • 8Based on standard costs. 
  • 9Newly added as of 2025. KPI is devided in 4 sub-KPI’s which show the progress in units.
  • 10Indicator for employee safety during the performance of work expressed in the number of accidents resulting in absence per 1 million hours worked.
  • 11Newly added as of 2025. Besides technical personell qualified IT personell is scarce as well. They also fulfill a critical role in the development of the goals of Enexis.
  • 12Newly added as of 2025. Measurement consists of a CO2eq-reduction in scope 1&2 of our footprint compared to 2024.
  • 13Newly added as of 2025. Concerns female personnel with a permanent contract in leadership positions.
  • 14Amortisation of leases in connection with IFRS 16 will be included in the CCR, which are presented as depreciation in the Consolidated Income Statement. The CCR concerns the sum of the controllable costs and revenues from regulated activities (Enexis Netbeheer, including staff departments). Reference is made to the Glossary.
  • In 2024, we again delivered a record-breaking work package. It increased by 22% compared to 2023. We are proud to have expanded grid capacity by almost 2,000 MVA. We also created almost 500 MW of additional capacity through our flex solutions. Despite the shortage of transmission capacity in particular, we managed to connect 67% of standard connections for low-volume consumers on time in 2024. Unfortunately, we did not meet all our targets. For example, the annual outage duration exceeded our target by 5 minutes, and we had more security incidents leading to absenteeism last year. While we successfully attracted scarce technical talent, retaining staff proved challenging. 

    We are making significant investments to expand our networks. In close coordination with TenneT, we ensure that substations are ready as soon as TenneT completes its upgrades, allowing us to deliver electricity to customers immediately. In 2024, we built 1,920 MVA of grid capacity, reinforcing our commitment to a reliable electricity supply. However, despite these efforts, the average annual outage duration reached 22.5 minutes, exceeding our target of 17.5 minutes. This was partly due to several prolonged outages and high water levels in the spring, which caused disruptions in the MV grid.

    Even with record network expansion, market demand for even faster growth continues to rise. Our waiting lists keep growing due to increasing energy needs, leaving many high-volume customers waiting years for the additional capacity they require. For those customers we can supply, we aim to connect them within their desired time frame. In 2024, this was the case for 67% of low-volume consumers.

    In 2024, Enexis’ Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) was 1.1, slightly above our target of 1. The LTIF for contractors was 2.2 and was above our target of 2. We welcomed a net total of 143 new technical colleagues, and our Enexis Net Promoter Score (ENPS) remained the same. The growth of our work package and our expanding organisation has resulted in higher costs, compounded by material and service shortages. By working efficiently, we can maximise the work we deliver to our customers while keeping cost increases to a minimum. This helps us to keep energy as affordable as possible.

    Looking ahead to 2025, we have set ambitious goals. Our planned work package will rise to €1.8 billion, an increase of 22%. We remain committed to recruiting new colleagues, focusing on technical and ICT staff. In 2025 we expect to add 1,200 MVA of grid capacity. This target is below our target for 2024 because projects are delayed due to long licensing processes. The target however still exceeds our strategic target of 1,000 MVA. We are also committed to using the current electricity grid better by applying flexible solutions. By 2025, we expect to unlock 500 MW of additional capacity from the existing grid – without compromising reliability or safety. We will maintain our commitment to connect customers on time in 2025. Customers will receive clear and transparent information about their expected connection date, and we will consider their preferred timelines when scheduling work. Finally, we will continue making a sustainable impact, including CO₂ reductions and a strong focus on diversity in management positions.