Enexis is one of the six regional network operators in the Netherlands, and its main task is to build, expand, improve and maintain the gas and electricity network. Enexis is a crucial link in the energy supply chain: all the energy in our regions converges in our electricity and gas network. We develop, build, manage and maintain these networks. For electricity, this involves low- and medium-voltage networks, and for gas, regional networks. The end product delivered by Enexis consists of the connections for both high-volume and low-volume consumers. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 42b en c)
To fulfil our role in the energy chain, Enexis carries out a range of activities. This requires various resources and close relationships with stakeholders. The most important activities, resources and stakeholders related to our company’s business model and the external environment in which we operate are described below. Our value chain includes both upstream and downstream activities. We also show below where our key impacts, opportunities and risks occur in the value chain. For a brief description of our material impacts, opportunities and risks and a complete overview of where they appear in the value chain, please refer to the sections of this report that cover material impacts, risks and opportunities.
Based on the available information, we have identified a limited number of material topics related to our value chain. Through our due diligence efforts, we are gaining an increasingly detailed understanding of our chains. Our approach involves working backward from our operations to the beginning of the chain.
Value creation model
We use our energy networks, people and financial resources to drive societal progress. In other words, we create value for society. The way we do this is shown schematically in our value chain model. This model includes the following: (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 42a en 42b)
The resources (inputs) we use to achieve our goals, such as our energy networks and our people.
How we use these resources to create value for society (added value).
The specific value we create (output).
What we achieve for our customers, employees and other stakeholders (outcome).
Resilience of the strategy and business model
Enexis has not conducted a quantitative analysis of the resilience of its strategy and business model. (ESRS E1 icm ESRS 2 SBM-3 par. 19b en AR 7a) Legislation stipulates that Enexis’ shares must be publicly owned and that Enexis has a monopoly within its service area. Enexis operates in a regulated market overseen by, among others, the ACM. The ACM also annually sets the maximum tariffs that Enexis is allowed to charge its customers. To implement its strategy and achieve its objectives, Enexis depends on third parties (e.g. the availability of raw materials and contractors) and society (e.g. energy consumption). However, even in the event of reduced supply and demand, Enexis will still be able to continue its operations and generate income from its existing assets. Indeed, these assets are critical to the infrastructure in the Netherlands and are not readily offered by other parties. (ESRS 2 SBM-3 par. 48f)
Stakeholder interests and views
All stakeholders are urgently needed to achieve the climate targets. We are therefore in constant dialogue with our stakeholders. We identify eight stakeholder groups. Here is a summary of our interaction with stakeholders in 2024: (ESRS 2 SBM-2 par. 45a)
To develop our strategy, we spoke to stakeholders about societal developments and our role in addressing them. Together, we identified which topics are essential and how Enexis can make a meaningful impact. The most important topics included a reliable and accessible energy network, a secure energy network, a sustainable energy supply, an affordable energy supply and customer-focused services.
Stakeholders explicitly ask us to share our vision and to use our knowledge and expertise to ensure the energy transition remains feasible and affordable. We fully embrace this invitation to work with our stakeholders to realise the energy system of the future. (ESRS 2 SBM-2 par. 45b)
The EB will regularly inform the SB of the views and interests of relevant stakeholders regarding sustainability impacts. (ESRS 2 SBM-2 par. 45d)