General disclosures

Enexis Holding N.V. is the head of Enexis Groep and is a public limited company with its registered office at Magistratenlaan 116 in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (Chamber of Commerce number 17238877). Enexis Groep specialises in the construction, maintenance, management and development of distribution networks for electricity – such as power cables and medium- and low-voltage stations – and gas, including pipelines and gas stations, as well as related activities.

About the sustainability statement

Although the CSRD is not yet a legal requirement for Enexis Holding N.V., our sustainability statement is prepared based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as required by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

The consolidated sustainability statements for the financial year 2024 includes Enexis Holding N.V. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter jointly referred to as Enexis Groep) and corresponds to the scope of consolidation for the consolidated financial statements. (ESRS 2 BP-1 par. 3 5a en 5bi).

The following subsidiaries are exempted from individual sustainability reporting:

  • Enexis Netbeheer B.V.

  • Enexis Personeel B.V. (ESRS 2 BP-1 par. 3 en 5bii).

The sustainability statements contain reports on material impacts, risks and opportunities for Enexis Groep’s own operations and the upstream and downstream value chain. The extent to which policies, measures, metrics and targets also relate to the value chain, and the extent to which data on the upstream and/or downstream value chain are included in the measures, can be read in the other chapters of this sustainability statement. (ESRS 2 BP-1 par. 3 en 5c, TV1).

Enexis Groep uses the time horizons defined in the ESRS: (ESRS 2 BP-2 par. 6 en 9)

  • Short term (ST) < 1 year;

  • Medium term (MT) 1-5 years;

  • Long term (LT) >5 years.

As of December 31, 2024, Enexis has no plans to divest activities with a material financial impact. The consumption of natural gas and the use of the gas network are expected to decrease in the future. National policies are being developed for activities and costs associated with this. Even in the low-carbon energy supply of 2050, Enexis expects the gas network to continue to play a role in the distribution of green gas and hydrogen. A safe and reliable gas network is expected to remain necessary. (ESRS 2 SBM-3 par. 48e(i))

Value chain estimation

The following metrics, which contain data on the upstream and/or downstream value chain, have been estimated based on indirect sources: (ESRS 2 BP-2 par. 6 en 10)


Basis for preparation

Planned actions to improve the accuracy

CO2-eq of scope 3 GHG-emissions (ESRS E1) categories insofar as data is not obtained directly from suppliers or raw material passports

Spend based data; extrapolation; various generic emission factors

Direct acquisition of supplier data instead of spend-based where possible; aim for less extrapolation

CO2-eq emission due to refrigerant leaks of air conditioners

Assumption that each air conditioner has an average of 3% leakage on an annual basis

Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty

The following quantitative metrics and monetary amounts have high measurement uncertainty: (ESRS 2 BP-2 par. 6 en 11).

Quantitative metric/or monetary unit

Sources of metric uncertainty

Assumptions, approximations and judgments used

CO2-eq reduction measures (ESRS E1)

The effects of the measures are partly based on assumptions and extrapolation of measures already implemented.

It is assumed that the scarce capacity of contractors required to implement the reduction measures will be sufficiently available.

Euro's (CapEx en OpEx) for the benefit of CO2-eq reduction measures (ESRS E1)

The costs of the measures are partly based on assumptions and extrapolation of measures already implemented

Standard prices have been used when calculating the costs of certain work (e.g. replacement of gas pipes).

Changes in preparation or presentation

Enexis Groep has prepared sustainability statements in accordance with the ESRS for the first time for the financial year 2024. The following information has been prepared or presented differently than the reporting on metrics in previous annual reports: (ESRS 2 BP-2 par. 6 en 13).

Modification and reasoning

Adjusted comparative figure(s)

Difference compared to figure reported in previous period

CO2-eq footprint 2023 market based (ESRS E1) in ton CO2-eq. Explanation is included in E1 "Our green house gas emissions"



CO2-eq footprint 2023 location based (ESRS E1) in ton CO2-eq. Explanation is included in E1 "Our green house gas emissions"



Circularity data in 2023 reported as an overall figure. In 2024 more accurate: broken down per component and in relation to the 2030 objective

For a list of the reporting requirements and/or data points incorporated by reference, see Other information. (ESRS 2 BP-2 par. 6 en 16)