
Significant product/services/customer groups

  Enexis is a regional network operator. Our main responsibility is to ensure that electricity and gas are delivered to the right locations: three million households and businesses in Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel, Limburg and Noord-Brabant. This makes Enexis a crucial link in the energy supply chain: all the energy in our regions converges in our electricity and gas network. We develop, build, manage and maintain this network. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40a(ii))

  • We connect customers in our service area to our energy networks as quickly as possible.

  • We maintain, upgrade and replace these networks, and resolve outages.

  • We expand the transmission capacity of the networks.

  • We work with provinces, municipalities, businesses and other stakeholders to make the best possible energy choices for society. We consider reliability, affordability, feasibility and support. We help build and guide the energy system of the future.

  • We ensure seamless switching between energy suppliers and the settlement of energy flows for customers and market parties. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40a(i))

Our business unit, Enpuls Warmte Infra, focuses on developing, constructing and operating heat networks. We believe that heat, like hydrogen and green gas, will play an important role in the energy system of the future. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40a(i))

All these activities are carried out in the Netherlands by 7,586 employees, of which 5,981 are employed by Enexis (on 31 December 2024). (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40a(iii))

Revenue by ESRS sector

Enexis derives its revenue from the ESRS sector ‘Power Production and Energy Utilities’ (code UPE according to the Exposure Draft SEC1 Sector Classification). For a further breakdown of revenue, see note 1 ‘Revenue’ of the consolidated financial statements. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40b)

Fossil fuels (gas) are transmitted through Enexis’ gas network. Revenue from periodic transmission and connection fees for gas is disclosed in note 1 ‘Revenue’ of the consolidated financial statements. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40d(i)

Sustainability targets

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges of our time. Transforming the energy system is a key prerequisite for achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050. This is a massive task for the Netherlands and Enexis, but we see it as a fantastic opportunity to help the Netherlands drive sustainable progress. We are doing everything we can to keep our energy infrastructure reliable and accessible to all. This is essential for a sustainable Netherlands, and it is also economically and socially vital.

Energy networks are the lifeblood of our society. Both visible and invisible, the components of these complex but vital networks are everywhere: for example, the cables and pipes that supply us with the energy that we use to heat our homes, charge our cars and keep the economy moving. Increasingly, this energy comes from sustainable sources.

As a network company, Enexis is at the heart of society. Our mission is to provide people with increasingly sustainable energy by investing strategically in a reliable energy infrastructure. This enables us to keep the energy transition feasible and affordable. Fulfilling this mission requires our full attention. That is why we are sharpening the focus of our activities to ensure a safe and reliable energy supply, connect customers on time and deliver the energy system of the future. By concentrating on what we do best, we make a difference.

Our core activities are also where we make our most significant societal and sustainable impact. Our vital infrastructure is essential for a well-functioning economy and society. We also enable sustainable power generation and the electrification of industry and mobility. This transformation of the energy system puts great demands on our organisation, employees, and partners. Therefore, we aim to provide a safe, attractive work environment and conduct business fairly.

At the same time, we recognise that our core activities have a downside. Our work has an impact on the climate and consumes raw materials. We feel responsible for this. That is why we make sustainable choices in the way we do business. We focus on areas where we can make a real difference without compromising our mission. 

Our business strategy is the foundation for our ESG strategy. Environmental, social and governance are concepts that affect all activities of a company like Enexis. The ESG strategy is relevant to all Enexis’ services, as well as to all customer groups and society as a whole. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40f)  In the figure below, our material ESG topics are linked to the material ESRS. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40e) The different components of the ESG strategy are explained in more detail later in this chapter. (ESRS 2 SBM-1 par. 40g)

The implementation of the strategy and associated measures requires significant investments. These are financed partly with equity but mainly through external financing. Since 2020, external financing has included green bonds. Details on how Enexis expects to meet its future financing needs are discussed in note 30 'Financing policy and risks financial instruments' of the consolidated financial statements. (ESRS 2 SBM-3 par. 48e(i)).