The company's authorised share capital amounts to three hundred million euros (€300,000,000) and is divided into three hundred million (300,000,000) ordinary shares of one euro (€1.00). Of these shares, 149,682,196 shares with a total nominal value of €149,682,196 have been issued and fully paid up.
The share premium reserve is recognised for tax purposes.
The proposed dividend distribution for 2024 is based on 50% of the profit from ordinary activities after tax. The proposed dividend distribution is paid to the shareholders in an exact amount that is proportional to the number of shares. All ordinary shares are entitled to dividends. The proposed dividend distribution for 2024 amounts to €0.85 per share (2023: €0.24 per share). The proposed dividend payment amounts to €127 million; as a result, the reservation to be credited to the general reserve amounts to €127 million. This profit appropriation proposal has not been considered in the balance sheet as of 31 December 2024.
The result before taxes for the financial year 2024 presented on the income statement exclusively relates to realised results. At year-end 2024, equity amounted to €5,538 million (2023: €5,320 million). At year-end 2024, total equity per share amounted to €37.00 (2023: €35.55).
For further details, see the consolidated statement of changes in equity.