5. Depreciation and decommissioning

The depreciation charges can be specified as follows:

€ Million



Depreciation of property, plant and equipment



Amortisation of intangible assets



Depreciation of right-of-use assets






Impairement of assets






Property, plant and equipment

Gas assets are depreciated using the diminishing balance depreciation method. All other tangible fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line depreciation method.

The asset's expected future useful life is considered when determining the depreciation. The useful life and residual value of assets are assessed each year. Any adjustments are recognised prospectively. Land is not depreciated. A tangible fixed asset is no longer recognised on the balance sheet when it is divested or when no future economic benefits are expected from the asset's continued use or in the event of disposal of the asset. Any profit or loss arising from the de-recognition of an asset is recognised in the result.

The expected useful lives of the main categories of property, plant and equipment are as follows:



25-50 years

Cables, pipelines and equipment

25-55 years

Other non-current assets

5 - 15 years

Work in progress


Diminishing balance depreciation method gas assets

From the financial year 2022, Enexis depreciates its gas assets using the declining balance method. Enexis estimates that the number of users of the gas grid will continue to decrease up to and including 2050. However, Enexis does not expect that the decrease in the number of gas grid users will lead to large-scale decommissioning of gas assets. This is because, despite the decline in the number of users of the gas grid, the main infrastructure of the gas network will remain primarily operational. In addition, the gas grid is expected to remain relevant for natural gas and sustainable alternatives such as green gas and hydrogen. Therefore, Enexis sees no reason to shorten the economic and technical useful life of the gas assets.

The depreciation method is based on the expected future consumption pattern of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. The consumption pattern is reflected most accurately by the expected use pattern. The expected use pattern of the gas grid is determined based on Enexis’ most recent forecast of the number of users of the gas grid in the period up to and including 2050. As the expected use pattern of the gas grid shows a diminishing balance, Enexis started applying the diminishing balance depreciation method in the financial year 2022. The amortisation pattern of the contributions paid in advance for the gas assets was also revised from the financial year 2022 in line with this diminishing balance method. As a result, the net depreciation charges (gross depreciation less the amortised contributions) of the gas assets follow a diminishing balance pattern.

The estimated decline in the number of gas network users up to and including 2050 has not changed in 2024 compared with 2023. Therefore, the declining pattern of depreciation of gas assets and the declining pattern of depreciation of advances received on gas assets have not changed.

The gross depreciation charges of the gas assets were €24 million higher, and the amortised amounts were €4 million higher in 2024 than if the straight-line depreciation method had been used. The net depreciation charges were thus €20 million higher. Based on the current estimates, the increase in the annual net depreciation charges compared to the straight-line method will decrease every year in the period 2030-2035 until the yearly difference is nil, after which the diminishing balance depreciation method will lead to a lower annual depreciation charge than the straight-line deprecation method.

As a result of the declining balance method of depreciation, the cumulative depreciation charge for the years 2022 to 2024 will be €64 million higher than under the straight-line method.

Intangible fixed assets

Depreciation is calculated in accordance with the straight-line method. The expected future useful life is taken into account in determining the depreciation. The useful life is assessed each year. Any adjustments are recognised prospectively.

The estimated useful life of the main intangible fixed asset categories is as follows:



5 years



Work in progress


Depreciation of right-of-use assets

Leases are recognised on the balance sheet as right-of-use assets. Right-of-use assets are then depreciated on a straight-line basis over the total term of the lease.


Tangible and intangible fixed assets that no longer serve Enexis’ business activities and no longer generate future economic benefits are being decommissioned. The remaining carrying amount at the time of decommissioning is recognised immediately as an expense in the income statement. 


An impairment loss of €19 million was recognised on the cash flow-generating unit Mijnwater Warmte Infra B.V. in 2024. For a more detailed specification of the impairments, see note 12 ‘Intangible fixed assets’.