Board Statement

The Executive Board is responsible for the effectiveness of the design and operation of the internal risk management and control system of Enexis. The objective of this system is to monitor the realisation of strategic, operational, and financial objectives and to focus on all aspects of the business; from strategic and operational risks to the reliability of financial and other reports while also complying with laws and regulations.

The section on Risk management describes our internal risk management and control system and our risk profile. No system can provide absolute certainty concerning the realisation of company objectives or the prevention of material errors, losses, fraud, or violations of laws and regulations that may occur in the processes and financial reporting. The Executive Board has evaluated the set-up and effectiveness of the internal risk management and control system during 2023, based on the business control information, ‘Letters of Representation’, and reports from the internal auditor and external auditor. The outcomes of this evaluation and the risk profile were discussed with the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board, in the presence of the internal and external auditors.

We declare that:

  • this report provides sufficient insight into deficiencies in the operation of the internal risk management and control system;

  • the aforementioned system provides a reasonable degree of certainty that the financial and other reports contain no inaccuracies of material significance;

  • the current state of affairs justifies the preparation of the financial report on a going concern basis of accounting;

  • this report states the material risks and uncertainties, insofar as relevant in relation to the expectation of the company’s continuity for the twelve months following the preparation of this report.

’s-Hertogenbosch, 4 March 2024

Executive Board Enexis Holding N.V.

Rutger van der Leeuw
Mariëlle Vogt
Liesbeth Kaashoek
Jeroen Sanders