GRI index

Statement of use

Enexis Holding N.V. has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 1-1-2023 / 31-12-2023

GRI 1 used

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

Applicable GRI Sector Standard(s)


The chosen application level

In accordance with


GRI content index



Category name / indicator

Name of the indicator


Not reported


GRI 2-1

Organisational details

We are Enexis;

GRI 2-2

Entities included in the organisation's sustainability reporting

Additional information; About this report; Scope; Integrated Report

Category name / indicator

Name of the indicator


Not reported

GRI 2-3

Reporting period, frequency and contact point

Date of publication: 7 maart 2024

GRI 2-4

Restatements of information

Not applicable, no restatements of information from previous reporting periods were made in 2023

GRI 2-5

External assurance

Appendix; Additional information; About this report; Assurance

GRI 2-6

Activities, value chain and other business relationships

We are Enexis; Our role in the energy chain

No significant changes apply to 2023 compared to the previous reporting period.

GRI 2-7


Working safely and strengthening each other; Recruitment, training and personal leadership; Appendix: Additional information; Other non-financial information; Employment and skilled employees

Incomplete data with respect to breakdowns in regions; in the coming period we will try to provide insight into the division into regions.

GRI 2-8

Workers who are not employees

Appendix: Additional information; Other non-financial information; Employment and skilled employees

No significant fluctuations apply to 2023, Enexis has a
stable work package and a stable workforce.

GRI 2-9

Governance structure and composition

Corporate Governance; Biographies Executive Board Members; Biographies Supervisory Board Members

GRI 2-10

Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

Corporate Governance; Report of the Supervisory Board; Working safely and strengthening each other; Management level

Profile sketch Supervisory Board [Profielschets RvC]:

GRI 2-11

Chair of the highest governance body

Coporate Governance; Corporate governance

GRI 2-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

Foreword by the Executive Board; Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board; About Enexis; Our objectives and our performance; Appendix: Additional information;About this report; Materiality Asessment; Management of material issues

CSR-statement [MVO-verklaring]:

GRI 2-13

Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

Foreword by the Executive Board; Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board; Appendix: Additional information;About this report; Materiality Asessment; Management of material issues

CSR-statement [MVO-verklaring]:

GRI 2-14

Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board; Appendix: Additional information; About this report; Materiality Asessment; Management of material issues

GRI 2-15

Conflicts of interest

Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board; Biographies Executive Board Members; Biographies Supervisory Board Members

Profile sketch Supervisory Board [Profielschets RvC] including independence:

GRI 2-16

Communication of critical concerns

Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board

GRI 2-17

Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board

GRI 2-18

Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board

GRI 2-19

Renumeration policies

Corporate Governance; Remuneration report; Consolidated Financial Statements; Notes to the consolidated financial statements; 34. Remuneration of the Executive and Supervisory Board

Remuneration is within the obligatory statutory remuneration framework of the WNT

GRI 2-20

Process to determine renumeration

Corporate Governance; Remuneration report; Consolidated Financial Statements; Notes to the consolidated financial statements; 34. Remuneration of the Executive and Supervisory Board

Remuneration is within the obligatory statutory remuneration framework of the WNT

GRI 2-21

Annual total compensation ratio

Corporate Governance; Remuneration report;

The salaries of the CEO and the employees fall under the agreements laid down in the Collective Labour Agreement Netwerkbedrijven (Grid Companies). The total income of the CEO in 2023 amounted to 3.2 (2022: 3.1) times the median of the salaries of all Enexis employees.

GRI 2-22

Statement on sustainable development strategy

Foreword by the Executive Board; Corporate governance; Report of the Supervisory Board

GRI 2-23

Policy commitments

About Enexis; Our core values; Working safely and strengthening each other; Getting more work done safely; An Enexis for everyone; Equal rights; Appendix; Additional information; Other non-financial information; Sustainable impact; Corporate social responsibility - chain responsibility and human rights; Standards and norms

CSR-statement [MVO-verklaring]:

Social Responsibe Procurement policy [MVI-beleid]:

GRI 2-24

Embedding policy commitments

Working safely and strengthening each other; An Enexis for everyone; Embedding a socially safe working environment; Appendix; Additional information; Other non-financial information; Standards and norms

CSR-statement [MVO-verklaring]:

Code of conduct:

GRI 2-25

Processes to remediate negative impacts

About Enexis; We measure our impact; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our collaborations; Communicating transparently about what is possible; Corporate Governance; Making a sustainable impact; CO2-footprint; Appendix; Additional information; Other non-financial information; Complaints and disputes procedure

CSR-statement [MVO-verklaring]:

Statement VGWM:

GRI 2-26

Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Appendix; Additional information; Other non-financial information; Complaints and disputes procedure

GRI 2-27

Compliance with laws and regulations

Appendix; Additional information; Other non-financial information; Laws and regulations; Standards and norms

In 2023 a a received fine (€ 7,500,-) for violation of Dutch Information exchange above and below ground grids and networks act (WIBON)

GRI 2-28

Membership associations

About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our collaborations

GRI 2-29

Approach to stakeholder engagement

About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics

GRI 2-30

Collective bargaining agreements

Appendix: Additional information; Other non-financial information; Employment and skilled employees

0.09% is regarded as non-material and therefore is not

GRI 3-1

Process to determine material topics

About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Determining our material topics; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment

GRI 3-2

List of material topics

About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics

Category name / indicator

Name of the indicator


Not reported


Reliable and accessible enery grid

GRI 3-3

Working on increased grid capacity; Together towards a future-proof energy system; About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our objectives and our performance; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment

Safe energy grid

GRI 3-3

Working on increased grid capacity; Working safely and strengthening each other; About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our objectives and our performance; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment

Sustainable energy supply

GRI 3-3

Together towards a future-proof energy system; Making a sustainable impact; About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our objectives and our performance; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment

Affordable energy supply

GRI 3-3

Together towards a future-proof energy system; Making a sustainable impact; Remaining financially sound; About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our objectives and our performance; Notes to the consolidated financial statements; 1. Revenue; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment

Customer-oriented services

GRI 3-3

Communicating transparently about what is possible; Together towards a future-proof energy system; About Enexis; Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics; Our objectives and our performance; Appendix: Additional information; Materiality Assessment